Eye for iPhoneography by Stephanie Pitoy

As a photo collage artist, I create layered works that take snippets of everyday life and transform them into poetic statements. My iPhone and iPhone Apps (Adobe Photoshop Mix, Instagram, and Layout by Instagram) are the tools that I exclusively use to create my photographic compositions.

The juxtaposition of the close and the distant, the organic and the inorganic, and the warm light that permeates each of the images contributes to a powerful visual experience.


The Write Stuff by Stephanie Pitoy

As a Generation Xer, the stuff that I write will always have a solid foot in the past. The stories of yesteryear are what link us to the present and future. We each carry with us a “blueprint” of where we have come from. This “blueprint” are all the life lessons that our parents and grandparents have passed onto us. We then overlay this “blueprint” with our own experiences (re: the good, the bad, what stays in Vegas).  

The richness of our lives are based upon our experiences versus anything material. The lasting memories of a visit to a faraway land, a swim in the Pacific Ocean, or a Sunday stroll through Central Park - This is what matters most, especially when in the company of those we love.

Empire State of Mind by Stephanie Pitoy

New York has a vibe all its own. The energy of the city is tangible. You can feel it in your gut. You can feel it with every step that you take. Here in New York, you can be whoever and whatever you want to be. Opportunities abound.

Yes, life moves at a much faster pace in New York. But, I am still that easy-going, island girl from Hawaii. However, do not be fooled by my quiet, Zen nature. I am a true blue Sagittarius who can hold her own. “One does not need to always be the loudest to be heard,” said Grasshopper. 

4,968 Miles: The Ballsy Move to New York by Stephanie Pitoy

In the Summer of 2012, my 14 year old daughter and I made the ballsy move to New York from Hawaii. Why give up the perpetual sunny weather, sandy beaches, and tropical tradewinds of our native home? It was a “now or never” moment. Either we stay “island locked” for the rest of our lives or we venture forth to see what life on the continental United States is like. Four years later, we are loving life in Astoria, NY! Sure, the winters are rough. But, we do as New Yorkers do...We champion on with our winter gear until Mother Nature turns up the heat in the Spring and Summer. Life (truly is) too short to NOT take chances.

E Komo Mai / Welcome to My New Website! by Stephanie Pitoy


For the past month, I have been working away on my New Website to present my Current and Past Art Portfolios, as well as my collection of "Lifeography" photographs which I have taken with my iphone6, iphone5, and/or Blackberry Torch.

Today, on Wednesday - April 7, 2016 - I am excited to launch my New Website! The launch of my New Website goes hand-in-hand with the start of my art career in New York City as an "Emerging Artist". I have held onto my dream of being a Professional Artist since graduating with my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Art and Communication from the University of Hawaii at Hilo in May 2003. 

With my 18 year old daughter soon to start college in Fall 2016, the timing to start my art career in New York City as an "Emerging Artist" is now. No time like the present to make it happen!

For those who are viewing my New Website - please feel free to Contact me with your questions and/or feedback. Looking forward to hearing from you!









© 2022, Stephanie Pitoy. All rights reserved.