


Artist with a Love for Abstract / New York Resident as of June 2012 / Born and Raised in the 50th State of Hawaii

Hawaiian Concepts to Live By: Aloha, Kokua, Kuleana, and Malama Pono

Passionate About: Art, Books, Good Food and Drink, Dessert, Travel, Witty Banter, and Silly Puns

Hawaii Favorites: Onekahakaha Beach Park, Poke, Plate Lunches, Sweetbread, and Big Island Candies

New York Favorites: Madison Square Park, Shake Shack, Dough Doughnuts, Strand Bookstore, Eataly, and City Fresh Market in Astoria


Education: University of Hawaii at Hilo, Bachelor of Arts in Art and Communication, May 2003

Special Recognition of My Art Professors at the University of Hawaii at Hilo: For their guidance in the development of my technical art skills in Printmaking, Drawing, and Painting - Chair and Professor Wayne Miyamoto (who died Feb. 20, 2010 in Mexico, where he was on sabbatical); Chair and Professor Michael D. Marshall; and Professor Andrew Grabar.

Most Valuable Art Lessons from My Art Professors at the University of Hawaii at Hilo: Think "Outside of the Box". However, don't over think. Incorporate "spatial depth". Utilize layers of activity with different types of media to create "visual tension". Don't overwork the canvas. Trust and listen to your "gut instincts" to know when the work is complete.

Special Recognition of My Communication Professor at the University of Hawaii at Hilo: Ronald Gordon, Ph.D., Professor Communication - For his teachings and lectures on: Carl G. Jung (Jungian Psychology); Joseph Campbell (The Power of Myth); William Isaacs (Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together); Charles Garfield and Cindy Spring (Wisdom Circles: A Guide to Self Discovery and Community Building in Small Groups).

The parallel academic track in Communication greatly influenced the development of my (early) Art Portfolio - and which has stayed with me, in terms of my current Artistic Style.

Communication, in all of its forms (Verbal, Non-Verbal, Visual, Auditory, Social Media, Print), is a multi-layered experience. The world cannot easily be summed up as "Black or White". There are also the "Gray" areas and every "Hue" in between to pay attention to. And, this is what I am mindful of as I create my Artwork.


Between the Lines: Art is the means in which I am able to express aspects of the human condition that no words can describe in full detail. Love, Joy, and Melancholy are translated visually to create an underlying narrative in the completed composition.

On a deeply personal level, my Artwork has helped me to overcome and heal from the loss of my Mother in 2001 and my Father in 2008. The loss of my Father was especially difficult because he had passed on my 36th birthday - November 22, 2008. Prior to his passing, I had not seen him in close to two years. Hence, with the "powers that be" and all things in the mysterious universe - We reconnected as "Father and Daughter" on the date of his death.

Perhaps, my "higher calling in life" is to help others deal with their own personal tragedies and grief through Art. As I have discovered, Art has an indescribable way to heal sadness and release negativity. Once released, the Soul feels much lighter and the feeling of Joy is restored.

Art transcends all things.

Go-To Art Media: Charcoal, Conte Crayon, Graphite, Japanese Sumi-e Ink and Ink Wash, Acrylics/Oils, and Found Objects/Papers/Images.

Artistic Influences: Robert Rauschenberg, Franz Kline, Robert Motherwell, and Mark Rothko.

Philosophical Influences: Carl G. Jung, Joseph Campbell, William Isaacs, Deepak Chopra, and Oprah Winfrey.


Emerging Artist: Actively seeking "Calls for Artists" and "Art Commissions" with Art Buyers, Art Dealers, and Art Galleries locally, nationally, and/or internationally.

Art Focus: Abstract Art, Mixed Media Collage, Printmaking, Digital Monotypes, Digital Monoprints, and iPhoneography.


Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Fall 2001 - University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s List

2003 – Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. (70th Ed).

2003 – Honolulu Printmakers Award. Honolulu Printmakers, Honolulu, HI. USA.

2003 – Juror’s Award. University of Hawaii at Hilo: Annual Student Art Exhibition, Hilo, HI. USA.

2003 – Annual Student Art Award. University of Hawaii at Hilo Student Award Convocation, Hilo, HI. USA.

2002 – Annual Student Art Award. University of Hawaii at Hilo Student Award Convocation, Hilo, HI. USA.

2001 – Annual Student Art Award. University of Hawaii at Hilo Student Award Convocation, Hilo, HI. USA.

2000 – Annual Student Art Award. University of Hawaii at Hilo Student Award Convocation, Hilo, HI. USA.


2002 – University of Hawaii at Hilo, College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office Exhibit, Hilo, HI. USA.


2021 - Agora Gallery, “Reprisal & Rediscovery”, New York, NY. USA.

2020 - Agora Gallery, “Turn a Leaf”, New York, NY. USA.

2019 - Agora Gallery, “A Splendid Summer Showcase”, New York, NY. USA.

2018 – Agora Gallery, “Illumination: An Exhibition of Fine Art Photography”, New York, NY. USA.

2017 – Figment NYC, “Art in Action: 12 x 12 Fundraiser”, New York, NY. USA.

2012 – 25CPW Gallery, “CREATE/CONNECT2 2nd Annual Global Health Bridge Art Auction”, New York, NY. USA.

2009 – Pauahi Tower Gallery, “Oahu Arts Center 2009 Art Show”, Honolulu, HI. USA.

2003 – Northwest Print Council, “Traveling Student Print Exhibition”, Portland, OR. USA.

2003 – University of Hawaii at Hilo, “Alumni in Exhibitions: A Selection of Work”, Hilo, HI. USA.


Note: Featured Content, Artwork, & Photography

All featured content, artwork, and photography are copyrighted materials of Stephanie Pitoy.



© 2022, Stephanie Pitoy. All rights reserved.